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img **Don't forget your worksheet!** img

1. "Hi friend! I am so glad I was able to get in touch with you. I am very tired. I just ran by a statue of a guy with his hands up in the air, and I ran up a huge flight of stairs that seemed to never end. People asked me if the paintings were nice, I had no idea what they were talking about. Do you? Am I close to any place you are familiar with?"
A. City Hall         B. The Art Museum

2. "Hi again! Wow, it sure is crowded around this place. I just took a cab here. There are a lot of people walking around here. There are so many police men too. I wonder what they are protecting? It seems to me from where I am standing there is a bronze object that is broken in an area that is behind ropes. Across the street, I can see a building with words written all over its walls. It says, "We The People..." Where am I? Am I still in the city?
A. Liberty Bell         B. Rocky Statue

3. "Thanks for your help so far! I’m at another large building. It looks like the Art Museum, but I’m sure that it’s not because I already was there. There are steep steps leading up to about six pillars. The building is not new; it looks almost 100 years old. There are many groups of children and families coming and going. I see signs that King Tut is here for the summer! I overheard some grownups say that the Fels Planetarium is in this building, and it was the second built in the US. Some kids are talking about an IMAX movie that they saw. Wow, they said it was like they were in the movie! Do you know where I am?"
A. Franklin Institute         B. Penn's Landing

4. "I am seeing so much of Philly, and I still have one hour to go! I hopped onto the back of a horse's carriage, and I am now in front of someone's house. There are a lot of people here too. In this house, a long time ago, the first American Flag was sewn by the person who lived in this tiny house. Whose house is this?"
A. Ben Franklin's         B. Betsy Ross'

5. "As I was walking around town, I noticed a man who appeared to be flying! I walked a few more blocks to follow him, and I realized that he was not flying, but he was standing on the top of a building!! You can also find the mayor and city council here. What is this cool building called, and who is on top of it?
A. City Hall & William Penn         B. Art Museum & Rocky

6. "Hi again! I came upon a building with a security guard in front of it. I asked him what he was guarding. He said he was protecting the place where the forefathers signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Back then George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin gave their signature to this historic document. What is this security guard protecting?"
A. Independence Hall         B. Franklin Institute

7. What is the name of this important document in United States History? (please fill in on your worksheet)

Once you have completed your worksheet, click on Phil's picture to find out your next step.