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Name: ________________________ Teacher:
Date Submitted: ____________ Title of Work: ___________________


All questions were answered completely and rationales for the answers were clearly stated. All questions were answered completely, but rationales for the all the answers were not clearly stated. Not all questions were answered completely, or greater than 2 rationales for the all answers were not clearly stated. All questions were not answered completely.
All areas of the task were addressed and handled with a high degree of sophistication. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a great deal of thought. At least one area of the task was not addressed. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a great deal of thought. At least two areas of the task were not addressed. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a moderate level of thought. The task is incomplete and/or it is apparent that little effort went into the development of the task.
Process: Teamwork
It is evident that a mutual effort and cohesive unit created the final product.
The team worked well together, but could have utilized each other's skills to a better degree.
The team had problems working together. Little collaboration occurred.
The final product is not the result of a collaborative effort. The group showed no evidence of collaboration.
Process: Originality
The ideas expressed on the back of the worksheet demonstrate a high degree of originality by the individual. The ideas expressed on the back of the worksheet are original. The ideas expressed on the back of the worksheet demonstrate a low degree of originality by the individual. There were no original ideas expressed in this project.  
Grammar, Format, and Spelling
The final body of work was free of grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. The final body of work had 1 error related to either grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. The final body of work had 3-5 grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. The final body of work had major grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.  


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